Friends and Relatives


The Livingston High School Class of 1967 Gift

The LHS gym. One of the few buildings still standing from 1967

Marietta at LHS

Mom & Dad

Lee and Leandra

Larry and his Auntie Carol

My mom in one of her favorite places

Marietta doing one of her favorite things, a crossword puzzle

Auntie Carol at Christmas 2001

Dad trying to look ferocious.

Dustin and Lee in Disneyland

Friends at Lunch in Disneyland

Neal Howard's family in Disneyland Christmas 2001

My Auntie Pam and her daughterl, my cousin, Susan

Rol and Jolene Beard

Sandy enjoying coffee in DCA

My Grandmother Julia and my Aunt Mary in 1978.

Grandma passed on at 94 and Aunt Mary is still living in Delhi

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Last updated 08/21/2006